1. Wear a straw hat and bring a mug with you.

2. When he denied the train´s existence, I borrowed his copy of the timetable.

3. When did you bring it to us?

4. When morning came, he had established the existence of one class of Fuchsian functions. He had only to prove the results, which took only a few hours.

5. Why? "One should always respect one's ancestors," she says, "regardless of what they did to bring one into the world."
    为什么呢?"不论他们用什么方式将你带到这个世界," 她说,"人总得尊敬自己的祖先。"

6. They intend to bring the men up in a special capsule.

7. The irregularities in depth of the shallow water close to the land bring danger to trip.

8. The licentious monarch helped bring about his country´s downfall.
    这昏君荒淫无道, 加速了这个国家的灭亡。

9. They do not makes further intellectual and emotional effort needed to comprehend form in its full spatial existence.
    他们在智力上和感情上不再作进一步的努力了, 而这种努力在理解空间实际存在的形体时是必要的.

10. These measures failed to bring acts of terrorism to an end.